Перенос постов из wordpress в livejournal
Автор - http://blog.simonchik.net/2008/03/wordpress-livejournal_6914.html
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python #Boa:PyApp:main import xmlrpclib import datetime import time import xml.dom.minidom modules ={} lj_username = "dimychs" lj_password = "*********" wp_exportfile = "wordpress.2008-03-26.xml" wp_datefrom = "01.01.1980" #date format is DD.MM.YYYY wp_datetill = "01.01.2010" lj_disablecomments = True lj_addoriginallink = True def getNodeValue(node): value = "" for textnode in node.childNodes: value = value + textnode.nodeValue return value def getPostData(xmlNode): postdata = {}; tagline = ""; postdata["ver"] = 1 #this means that all data is sent in unicode posttext = ""; postdtime = ""; for node in xmlNode.childNodes: if(node.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE): continue; if(node.tagName == "title"): value = getNodeValue(node) postdata["subject"] = value if(node.tagName == "content:encoded"): value = getNodeValue(node).replace("", "") posttext += value if(node.tagName == "category"): tag = getNodeValue(node) if(tagline != ""): tagline += ", " tagline += tag; if(node.tagName == "pubDate"): postdtime = mytime = getNodeValue(node) time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000" posttime = time.strptime(mytime, time_format) if(posttime[0] == 1970): posttime = time.localtime() postdata["year"] = posttime[0] postdata["mon"] = posttime[1] postdata["day"] = posttime[2] postdata["hour"] = posttime[3] postdata["min"] = posttime[4] if(node.tagName == "wp:status"): status = getNodeValue(node) if(status != "publish"): postdata["security"] = "private" if(node.tagName == "link"): value = getNodeValue(node) if(posttext != ""): posttext += "\n" posttext += "This is a crosspost from " + value + "\n\n"; options = {"taglist": tagline, "opt_backdated": True} if(lj_disablecomments): options["opt_nocomments"] = True if(postdata["subject"] == ""): postdata["subject"] = postdtime postdata["props"] = options; postdata["event"] = posttext; postdata["username"] = lj_username postdata["password"] = lj_password return postdata def main(): timestart = time.strptime(wp_datefrom, "%d.%m.%Y") timeend = time.strptime(wp_datetill, "%d.%m.%Y") server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://www.livejournal.com/interface/xmlrpc") dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(wp_exportfile) i = 1; for node in dom.documentElement.childNodes: if(node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE): if(node.tagName == "channel"): print "Channel found:", node; for item in node.childNodes: if(item.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE): continue; if(item.tagName == "item"): args = getPostData(item) #checking date posttime = time.strptime(str(args["day"])+"."+ str(args["mon"])+"."+str(args["year"]),"%d.%m.%Y") if(posttime >= timestart and posttime < timeend): response = server.LJ.XMLRPC.postevent(args) print "Item: ", i, response i += 1 break if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Все параметры задаются вначале файла:
lj_username = "dimychs"
lj_password = "*********"
wp_exportfile = "wordpress.2008-03-26.xml"
wp_datefrom = "01.01.1980" #date format is DD.MM.YYYY
wp_datetill = "01.01.2010"
lj_disablecomments = True
lj_addoriginallink = True
По-моему, их смысл понятен из названий.
Вот так будет выглядеть результат: http://dimychs.livejournal.com/
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