"Человек, как дворец производства" поможет заинтересовать учащихся биологией человека
Знаменитый постер
немецкого художника Фрица Кана (Fritz Kahn) "Der Mensh als
Industriepalast" (Человек, как промышленный дворец?), созданный в 1927
году, проводит аналогию между работой внутренних органов человека и
простейшими производственными процессами. Этот постер в формате JPG с
разрешением 1200х2392 px можно посмотреть по этой ссылке. Для удобного просмотра он также доступен на веб-сервисе zoom.it:
В 2010 году постер Фрица Кана "оживил" средствами компьютерной анимации художник Henning M. Lederer.
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В 2010 году постер Фрица Кана "оживил" средствами компьютерной анимации художник Henning M. Lederer.
Эта анимация может послужить замечательным введением в изучение биологии человека. Не забудьте включить звук.
Henning Lederer explores the six cycles within the human factory: Five different topics separately or a conglomeration of them all together, based on Fritz Khan poster Der Mensch als Industriepalast [Man as Industrial Palace] from 1926.
Dr. Fritz Kahn (1888-1968) was a gynaecologist in Berlin and a world-famous popular science writer who illustrated the form and function of the human body with spectacular, modern man-machine analogies. In the 1920s, his magnum opus, “Das Leben des Menschen” (The Life of Man) – a five-volume series – was renowned as a German accomplishment of global repute. In the 1930s, his books were banned and burned by the Nazis, then edited by Kahn’s publisher and reissued as plagiarisms with a superimposed anti-Semitic chapter.
The poster Der Mensch als Industriepalast has inspired Henning Lederer to make this interesting work. Let’s read his design statements:
The intertwining of science, culture, art and technology
For thousands of years, human beings have
used metaphors as ways of understanding the body. We talk about our ‘ear
drums’, or our ‘mind’s eye’. When we are in love we say our hearts are
‘bursting’ or ‘broken’. When we are nervous we say we have ‘butterflies
in our stomach’. When we are impatient we have ‘itchy feet’. These
familiar images help to explain the unfamiliar and to comprehend the
complexity of our bodies.
The visual crossover between
industrialization and science in Fritz Kahn’s artwork demonstrates
surprisingly accurately how human nature became culturally encoded by
placing the knowledge in an industrial modernity of machine analogues.
He produced lots of illustrations that drew a direct functional analogy
between human physiology and the operation of contemporary technologies.
Therefore, by illustrating the body as a factory, Kahn was able to
relate the body’s complex organic interior to the industrialized space
so common in society during that period of time (the poster was created
in 1926).
From the moment on that Henning Lederer got to know Kahn’s poster “Man as Industrial Palace” in 2006, he had the idea to animate this complex and strange way of explaining the functions of a body. He wanted to continue Fritz Kahn’s act of replacing a biological with a technological structure by transferring this depiction with the help of motion graphics and animation. In addition to the moving images, as a framework, Henning created a cabinet for his work including a mixture of old and new technology. This new version of the “Industrial Palace“ is an interactive installation for the audience to interact with – and by this to explore the different cycles of this human machinery:
Henning Lederer born on 1980, and studied Visual Communication at the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (University of Applied Sciences) in Germany from 2001 until 2006. While studying he already created and produced several animation- and motion-design-projects, participating in lots of media- and film-related festivals. From February 2006 until September 2008 he has worked in this field, e.g. participating in the media-production for the new Porsche-Museum in Stuttgart and the Watch-Museum Glashütte (responsible client of both projects: jangled nerves GmbH, Stuttgart). Lederer recently completed the MA Digital Arts course at the Norwich University College of the Arts (October 2008 – September 2009) and graduated as a Master of Arts, with distinction.
For more information about Henning Lederer and his projects visit: www.led-r-r.net
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